ep 11 janny past days

ep 11 janny past

janny past is here when she was  a child .her parents when did lots of worship of  get a daughter or a son .they sacrifices there half of the wealth for get a child .they donated a lots of being a father and mother ,they knock every doctor and every saint .after a lots of dedication( you got it a lots  of hard work) finally  they got the child . they promised that they will fulfill all the requirement of their child ,anything the child want to buy they will give that , that's why janny so rude and obsessed and possessive towards anything .that's why she always mad to get anything .

once upon a time when janny was 18 yrs old when they were roaming in the park janny asked his dad for the dog that was holding by the boy who came to park for play, her dad firstly asked that boy for the dog but he refused to give that dog  then his father stole his dog and gifted to her daughter , her father so much affection towards janny that a teacher made her insult in the class she said her dad that teacher should to die ,her dad killed that teacher because he hurt her daughter ,his dad hadn't even told that he killed that teacher he made a story that the teacher died in accident .janny family can cross any limit if janny need something .

but one day that changed janny life when she was out of the country for the higher studies her parents died in fire . when her mother was cooking food ,suddenly gas leaked and then they both died ,janny also burnt her room and herself but they fire fighter saved her life ,biut cried a lot and also she killed that doctor who tried to save her , she was really stuck with her dreams and thoughts and anything comes her way she vanish that thing and that things never comes her way again ,when she was just a child she wished to  be the monitor of the classroom but another boy came to her way she made her injured and warned to never participate in the race of monitor .janny was always topper in her class because everyone afraid of her .she told everyone that if anyone get more marks than her she tell her a lesson .she did so many things that she never be a friend and no one likes her and no one interested to make her a friend .

if  i tell her every story then it takes more than 5 episodes  but  in this episode i will only talk about janny

once upon a time a girl tried to be her friend but in few years that friend also left her because of janny madness . some times janny seems so kind but her intention was not  good always ,one day  janny and her friend alexa  was going to school they  saw two  dogs were roaming in the road ,alexa was so kind and innocent girl and her never intention was to hurt anyone ,she picked the puppy and gave her some food  but janny refused to share here food with anyone she told her that he don't likes dogs kid and she hates them ,she threw the  puppy from the alexa hand .the puppy got injured form  that day alexa broke her friendship that was her last meet