janny broken ep9
ep 9 janny eyes
scene changes and came to janny she was on call and jack was awaken unconsious laid over the bed and his hand were tightned with the ropes .,janny was was speaking to his secret men who work for janny ,she told them to vanish that car before any one get any clue about that .
here scene changes to janny past days when she was firstly love with jack , she hired a secret ninja/gangster/assisinator for eyes over jack and jolly, for every day prespective the hired men tells them all about the ground report when jack comes when they go and many more .the reason that she knews about janny single step becuase she installed secret microphone over their entire house .
scene changes to the hired men was driving car . he reached the hills and burnt the car also pushed tha car form the mountain ,to make a scene that jack is died . ,after he call janny about that he did his work
scene changes to janny she was plainng something she call the newsreporter and also she fixed a groups of doctor and also investigator for making fake report that jack died in car accident ,she did all the setup put fake people and did everything for making scene of jack died
scene changes when jolly got nothing then she went to police station for telling officer about that is she saw that jack car was moving from one place to another ,she told everything about what she know ,phone rang cop picked the call he got the news that a car accident happened .jolly heart was beating so fast she was very afraid after listinig about the news ,she told that she will go with the cop to see that where the accident taken place
scene chages to jolly and cop when they reached to the place where the accident happned .she was crying after seeing jack car .fully burnt and crashed .............