ep 12 jolly and jack past days

ep 12 jolly and jack past days

jolly recognise  the those days when they met first time in their classroom when she saw him for the first time  and she gave her heart to him . jack was fucking handsome with asthetic  body and musxle and his blonde hair make her fall in his love ,she decided that day  if he marry with  anyone that will be jack she ran behind for 2 years then she finally proposed him .

she remerber that day that when she physical touched her, once that rainy day when she was following her  jack hadn't noticed her that she was following her , while jack was crossing that road by running he was't saw the both sides of the roads by crossing when suddenly car was coming jolly ran and she pushed jack and saved his life and then both were got injured ,but jolly got really injured form that accident she hit the car  beside the road by her leg and got little fracture in her leg ,the moment  when she firstly touched her back with her  hands  when she actually pushed him from behind . jack took jolly with in arms and took to the hospital .jack lived her with the whole time until he dropped her in her house

when jack dropped her in her house he told that he will come to pick up tomorrow to until when she not got fully healthy . jolly asked about for tea and both was talking and smiling and drinking the enjoying the sip of the tea .

that night jolly was sleep she was  remembering that when jack picked her into his arms she can still feel jack's  arms when she was   in his arms she feel that she is heaven and she don't want to leave her arms .

another morning  when jolly was still eating her  brekfast she heard the horn of the jack car , she knew that jack came to pickup her ,jack entered the home and he picked a slice a bread and bite and talking about  her health and both finished their talk and then jack  picked her one arm and both was going for the car .jack opened the gate of the car and she suddenly placed  jolly in the car and then he also entered  the car then both were going to the college

while jack was driving the car they were taking [here  is the conversation }

jack: i was't knew your name what your name [ jack made his face innocent that he don't know her]

jolly:[surpised and thinking wtf he is talking about } what did you said ?

jack: is i know you?  is i saw you before ?

jolly: wtfuck are you   talking about am your classmate and myself jolly.you did't know my name yet .holy fuck dude

jack : nice to met you jolly my self jack [he smiled }

jolly: nice to fucking met you jack.but wait how did you knew my name . fuck you

jack: [laugh a lots } am always ready for that

[both  were talking and they rached the college ]....