ep 13 jolly proposed jack

ep 13  jolly proposed jack

after lots of times spending together and then  go anywhere together ,jack likes jolly but he didn't noticed and was recognised that he likes her most but jolly knows that she likes her lot and  she liked him when she saw  him at first sight ,when roaming everywhere together  like watching movies ,play game and many more . they together that they are cuddy -buddy each other ,they are more than freinds .

one day jolly thought that she will propose jack anyhow , she was waiting for long time now,she was looking for  perfect time to propose  him she made a plan that she will take him to hills and then she will propose him.she asked her dad for the car for the urgent work, she lied to her first time she was not lied ever with her dad ,after getting the car she  drove car to the college and she went to college , on that day  jack was on college and attending the lecture . jack heird the car tires screaming and also  horn . she looked outside the window she saw jolly was outside with car and her car was awesome , jolly opened the roof of the car and raising the hands  jack got the signal and she  sneaked from the class .when he was running jolly was on speed she was driving the car jack was running behind her car jack jumped and get intered the car and they both was leaning for the hills ,jack asked about the car ,

[here the conservation started ]

jack: who's car is this ?

jolly: this car thats my dad car.

jack; nice fucking car dude.

jolly :do you like this car?

jack; yes why not osm car

jolly; why you took too much time

jack; my class was going there i was not noticed that you was standing outside you was told me that you will come

joly: my apology am sorry i was not told you

jack ; ok leave it where we are going

joly: it's a surprise  for you

[conservation ended and they went to the hills }